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Enjoy two new books about the San Pedro River Valley. 


Documents Submitted

The Arizona permit for the proposed SunZia infrastructure corridor is being challenged by intervenor Peter Else and his supporters in Maricopa Superior Court.  Fragmenting and degrading 33 miles of the most remote and ecologically sensitive portion of the San Pedro River watershed is not a "done deal".  Far less damaging alternatives are available, including alternatives that would benefit Arizona to a similar degree as New Mexico and California.   Significant legal errors were made during the recent amendment process.  The intervenor knew that he needed representation by a law firm after the Arizona Corporation Commission included false and contested statements in their Order to approve SunZia's requested amendments.  

--> Read the full text of the Complaint filed on January 24, 2023

--> Read the Opening Brief filed on May 12, 2023


In this YouTube video, Peter Else discusses issues facing the San Pedro River in this presentation to the Sustainable Water Network.

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